In a significant development, around 700 employees from India's market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), are preparing to stage a protest at the regulator's head office, SEBI Bhavan, in Mumbai. According to some sources (not verified by, the protest is scheduled for Monday, and it reflects a growing wave of discontent among SEBI staff that has been simmering for the past two and a half years. Hindustan Times has not independently verified this information.
The planned protest by SEBI employees stems from multiple grievances related to the organization’s leadership and internal policies. Key among these issues is dissatisfaction with the allowances provided by SEBI, which employees feel are not on par with those offered by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). This discrepancy has become a focal point of frustration for SEBI staff.
Additionally, a new system introduced for uploading Key Result Areas (KRAs) — specific goals or targets set for tracking progress — has exacerbated the situation. Employees are concerned that non-compliance with this system could lead to the suspension of allowances, adding to their grievances.
Despite SEBI’s attempt to address these concerns through a follow-up apology email, the unrest within the organization persists. The apology did little to quell the dissatisfaction, and mistrust within SEBI remains a broader issue, according to the report.
The upcoming protest at SEBI’s Mumbai Head Office in the Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) is scheduled for Monday, August 5. This demonstration highlights the growing unrest among SEBI employees, who have been increasingly unhappy with the regulator’s leadership over the past 2.5 years.
The dissatisfaction is not only about allowances but also about the perceived heavy-handedness of the new KRA system, which employees believe threatens their financial stability. This internal turmoil is particularly concerning as it contrasts sharply with SEBI's efforts to improve conditions for external stakeholders, pointing to a disconnect between the regulator’s internal and external focus.
The planned demonstration provides an opportunity for the market regulator to reassess its internal policies and address the grievances of its workforce. Successfully doing so could help restore trust and morale within the organization, ensuring that SEBI’s employees feel valued and supported.
Also Read: SEBI Targets Expiry Day Frenzy in Options Trading to Enhance Market Stability
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