During Thursday’s trading session, the shares of India’s largest road construction company surged nearly 5.4 percent to Rs. 581.55 on BSE, after the company was declared as the L-1 bidder for a railway project worth Rs. 1,341 crores in Kerala on an EPC basis.
With a market capitalization of Rs. 8,172 crores, at 02:40 p.m., the shares of Dilip Buildcon (NS:DIBL) Limited were trading in the green at Rs. 558.9, up by nearly 1.3 percent, as against its previous closing price of Rs. 552.
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What’s the News:
According to the latest regulatory filings with the stock exchanges, Dilip Buildcon was declared as an L-1 bidder for the tender floated by the Konkan Railway Corporation Limited on an Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) basis in Kerela.
The project includes the construction of a Twin Tube Unidirectional Tunnel in the Kozhikode and Wayanad Districts of Kerala State including Four Lane approach Road for Direct Connectivity Between Anakkampoyil – Kalladi – Meppadi.
The bid project cost stands at Rs. 1,341 crores, and the total length of the project is 8.275 kilometres, with a completion period of 48 months.
The company experienced significant growth in its revenue from operations, showing a year-on-year rise of around 11.5 percent from Rs. 2,31,132 crores in Q1 FY24 to Rs. 2,57,823 crores in Q1 FY25.
However, its net profit decreased during the same period from Rs. 18,258 crores to Rs. 17,445 crores, indicating a decline of nearly 4.5 percent YoY.
As of June 2024, Dilip Buildcon’s total order book amounted to Rs. 18,606.5 crores from 8 different verticals.
The roads and highways segment holds the largest share with Rs. 5,710.5 crores in orders, followed by the irrigation segment at Rs. 3,757 crores. The mining sector contributes Rs. 3,150.7 crores, and the water supply segment has orders totalling Rs. 2,456.4 crores.
Additionally, the company’s portfolio includes other segments such as tunnels, railways, metro projects, special bridges, and urban developments.
Stock Performance
Shares of Dilip Buildcon have delivered positive returns of nearly 73.7 percent in one year as well as around 27.4 percent in the last six months. So far in 2024, the stock has given about 47 percent of positive returns.
About the Company:
Dilip Buildcon Limited is involved in the business of development of infrastructure facilities on an Engineering, Procurement and Construction basis (EPC) and undertakes contracts from various Government and other parties and special purpose vehicles promoted by the company.
Written by Shivani Singh
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