When assessing a stock, one of the key metrics investors rely on is its intrinsic value—the actual worth of a company based on its fundamentals. If a stock’s market price falls below this value, it is considered undervalued, signaling a potential buying opportunity.
On the other hand, if the stock trades above its intrinsic value, it could be overvalued, possibly indicating that it's time to sell or avoid buying. In essence, intrinsic value is the compass guiding investors on whether a stock offers good value or is overpriced.
But calculating intrinsic value is no small feat. Take Muthoot Finance (NS:MUTT), for instance. Currently, the stock trades at INR 1,972. To assess its real worth, investors must dive into a series of complex financial calculations, factoring in everything from cash flow projections to earnings multiples. These calculations are time-consuming and involve making numerous assumptions about the company's future performance.
Image Source: InvestingPro+
This is where InvestingPro+ steps in to simplify the process. Instead of manually running intricate financial models, this tool automates the entire analysis. For Muthoot Finance, InvestingPro+ uses 5 different financial models, including popular ones such as the DDM Stable Growth, P/E (Price-to-Earnings) multiple, P/S (Price-to-Sales) multiple, etc. Each model provides a distinct estimate of the stock’s intrinsic value based on its unique assumptions and inputs.
Image Source: InvestingPro+
With multiple models producing different values, it’s common to wonder which figure is the most reliable. A wise approach is to take an average of these values, producing what is known as the Fair Value—a more balanced and accurate assessment. For Muthoot Finance, the fair value is pegged at INR 2,170.9, slightly above its current market price of INR 1,972. This suggests the stock might be undervalued, with a potential upside of 9.6% before it aligns with its fair value.
By leveraging the Fair Value feature, investors can not only safeguard their portfolios by identifying overvalued stocks but also spot undervalued opportunities for growth. It’s a valuable tool for making more informed buy or sell decisions, helping investors stay ahead of market corrections while maximizing potential gains.
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